Hitchhiked to Tallinn, flying home tomorrow!
Hitchhiking is something I would have loved to have done more of on the trip, but my tight schedule and fast pace travel made it difficult, since one never knows how long it is going to take to go from a to b.
I have a flight home to Denmark tomorrow and we decided to go to Tallinn today, so we didn’t have to get up early tomorrow. The busses are pretty full on sundays, so it was a good opportunity to hitchhike through the beautiful Estonian countryside. Our cool sign secured us a ride in less than ten minutes, with a young couple from Belarus that was on a roadtrip around the Baltics.
Today is relaxation in Tallinn before flying home tomorrow. It is really weird to think about being home, but I am very excited to see everyone again.

Location:Tallinna maantee,,
Endless summer nights
Estonia is my little “vacation” to relax from training, before I go back hime on Monday and will be in the gym for many hours every day. I could not imagine a better place for a summer vacation in Europe, I absolutely love this place. The sun is up till around midnight and the sky is still blue all night. It feels like the days lasts forever and I am enjoying every second of it, recharging my batteries and filling me with energy and good mood.
it is hard to grasp, that the trip is soon over and I will be going home on monday. I don’t think I will really understand it before I sit at home on my couch.
Still haven’t gotten my backpack by the way. I think the sweaty gi from training in brazil must be quite disgusting by now :(

Estonia is awesome, Lufthansa not so much.
I love traveling the world and experiencing different places and cultures, but there is always something special about home. It is probably impressions that reminds one of childhood or something.
Now, I know Estonia is not home to me, but it is similar enough to Denmrk to make me feel home. The smell of grass, the trees and the long summer nights, oh how have I missed it. The weather here is beautiful and it has been so nice to see some of my old friends again. All the guys from Estonia, about ten of my friends from my gym back home and Daniel who I met in Taiwan is here. We are having a great time in this beautiful place. It is now ten in the evening and the sun is still up. God, I love it.
What is not here is my backpack. Lufthansa has thrown it away and they have no idea where it is. I really hope they find it, I don’t want to lose my gi’s and tshirts from around the world :,( Good thing is that insurance company pays me every day, so I went shopping for lots of pimp clothes today :-P Looking super fly!

Epic win: Travelled around the globe!
Arriving here in Estonia, I geographically surpassed Copenhagen, where I started my trip and have therefore now travelled all the way around the globe by the help of BJJ! Great success!

The inevitable happened
I lost my backpack. I knew it would happen with all these change of flights and routes today. Pretty annoying. I even managed to lose that little note with the important number, that I got from the baggage guys in the airport.
I haven’t brushed my teeth since yesterday morning and Fightshape Panama is getting a lot of promotion in these areas, since I will have to wear their tshirt for three days :)
I am staying in a hostel in Tallinn for the night, before heading to Pärnu with the bus tomorrow. My feet smell pretty bad.

Broken flight engine delays Estonia visit, but get to practice German.
I am currently in Frankfurt airport in Germany. I was supposed to be on a flight on to Tallinn, Estonia by now, but the flight from Brazil was about three hours delayed. As I got in the plane, nothing happened for a good hour and a half. Finally, they announced in the speakers, that they had some mechanical problems and we had to change to another airplane. As I got outside, I was pretty happy that we got another plane, as they had basically opened up the entire engine and tried to fix it on the spot. I prefer a new one then!
I have been redirected to a flight to Finland, then on to Tallinn, where I will be arriving too late to catch the bus I had planned to catch. So guess I will have one night in Tallinn and then try to get to Pärnu tomorrow instead. Right now, I have to wait for a few hours here, a good opportunity to practice some German. After trying so hard to speak Spanish, German seems like the easiest ever (had it in school for many years, but never get to practice much).
It was also quite sad to leave Brazil, but more about that later, when I have time to write about it :)