The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Destination: Ankara, Turkey

I got an email from Eren in Turkey, who invited me to come stay at his place and train with their small BJJ group there. Ankara is east of Bucharest, so hopefully it will fit right into my travel plan if I can get the right deal on the transportation.

Eren is a firstmover with BJJ in his country, and I would love to help out with this project as much as I can. I plan to spend some time there to teach, train and eat a lot of kebab ;)

Check out their gym here:

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. slideyfoot

    Awesome: the whole trip sounds amazing, but I’m especially looking forward to this one. My father is Turkish and our family has property there, so I’ve been considering getting in some training next time I’m out there (although this would be Istanbul, rather than Ankara. I think there’s a Brasa affiliate there, if you’re interested in fitting in two Turkish destinations). I couldn’t fit it in last time, as I think my gf may have objected to being left alone while I rolled around with sweaty men. ;)

    I’m also very interested in how the Kauai Kimono works out for travelling: I’m intending to do a training trip/s to the US at some point (money and time permitting, which probably means its a good ways off), and I’d like a light, quick-drying, hard-wearing gi for it. Kauai seems the most popular choice at the moment, but it should definitely get a thorough road-test on your travels.

    Aug 28, 2010 @ 13:48

  2. Ticket for Turkey – BJJ Globetrotter

    […] my ticket from Chisinau, Moldova to Ankara, Turkey today, going there on Thursday, March 3rd. Cost me 1400 DKR (USD$250) so not the cheapest flight on […]

    Dec 03, 2010 @ 14:45

