The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Visa at Indian embassy

Yesterday I found out that I need a visa to enter India, and I had to go to the Indian embassy to get it. Leaving in six days, so I thought I’d better get it done today (which turned out to be a good idea since it was last possible day for me to do it in time :)).

I thought I was just going to go there and drop off the papers, which I filled out yesterday, but no. There was 35 people in the line in front of me when I got there and one women working to receive the forms and payment, who was NOT in a hurry. About two hours of waiting later, it was finally my turn.

350 dkr paid for a four day visa.

One Response Subscribe to comments

  1. slideyfoot

    Heh – two hours is pretty good for an Indian visa. I remember when I got mine, I was waiting almost all day at the embassy in London. Notoriously slow, and some even blame Indian bureaucracy for reducing India’s economic growth (e.g., this, though that is on a Chinese website, so they’re kinda biased).

    I also heard on Radio 4 (or might have been the World Service) about a book that has come out recently on the topic, called Superpowers: The Amazing Race Between China’s Hare and India’s Tortoise.

    Feb 25, 2011 @ 14:03

