The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Chisinau Quickie

Me and Robert had been riding the bus from Burlacu to Chisinau from early morning to around noon. We were meeting up with some traditional Jiu Jitsu guys. I really didn’t know what was arranged for me there, so I was a little surprised, that I had two seminars scheduled the first day. One only an hour after I arrived, and one in the evening. The late seminar was in a big, old wrestling hall. They had invited 100 people and even printed tshirts for the event. Kind of took me by surprise, but since I am on a quest for adventure, I don’t mind surprises, so I took the challenge :)

The seminar in the old, soviet wrestling hall was really cool. I didn’t teach any technique, but did some different drills and games instead. I have never before seen so many people play Jiu Jitsu Virus, it was chaos lol There was lots of cool kids there too, it was really awesome to train with them. All the training had to be translated to Russian, so took some time to explain every drill, but worked out ok.

I did about an hour or so of sparring with the guys. I miss all the sparring I usually do with my friends at home, so it was nice to get some work done :)

Thanks to the guys in Chisinau for taking care of me and Robert!

6 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Molly

    What is Jiu Jitsu Virus?

    Mar 02, 2011 @ 23:50

  2. graugart

    It’s a game I do :)

    Mar 02, 2011 @ 23:57

  3. Kiril

    Thank you, Christian! Looking forward for new meeting!

    Mar 03, 2011 @ 08:21

  4. Molly

    I wanna play this game. Maybe you could stop in Utah after Vegas…?

    Mar 03, 2011 @ 19:00

  5. Molly

    p.s. brown belt hamburgers in Utah.

    Mar 03, 2011 @ 19:13

  6. graugart

    Haha yeah not impossible! I dont know yet whereas to go in the us but shoot me and email and let’s see what we can do! :)

    Mar 03, 2011 @ 23:50

