I hate this knee :-(
This morning in the shower, I took a step to the side and felt pain in my meniscus injury that I have been struggling with since two weeks before the trip.
I am sure it comes from sparring last night, where I rolled with every person on class. They were total beginners most of them and they went all in to try and beat me. Looking back it was probably a bad idea to do that, since they were really pushing and pulling my legs a lot, putting pressure on my knee. At one point, I was in mount with my feet grapewined and my partner kicked his legs out, twisting my knee. I think that was what probably annoyed my meniscus a bit. I should have put ice on it after training even though I didn’t feel anything. I guess I almost forgot about the knee problems for a while, but was certainly reminded today.
I will rest for 3-4 days and hopefully it will be good again. Crossing my fingers!!