The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Japan is awesome

Not many people were going to Tokyo today. The big airbus A330 was basically empty, I counted less than 20 passengers in total. I understand that people are scared to visit, but I am SO glad I decided to go here. I have only been here few hours this evening and is absolutely loving it.

First of all, there is no panic here. Everything is normal, no one is scared and the world is not about to go under. Radiation levels are safe right now, both in the air, water and food. The earthquake, which was the biggest in 500 years or so, only killed five people in a city of 35 million. Nothing is going to happen to me here. In fact, I have been exposed to more radiation during my flight here than I will be during my stay and was in way more danger driving for 18 hours in the mountains of Taipei, than I will be in a Tokyo earthquake.

I went straight from the airport to the training at AACC. We arrived pretty late, but still managed to roll for a good half hour. Really cool gym, great facilities and a nice vibe. Everyone was extremely friendly and I had lots of good rolls. Abe Ani, the owner of the gym, was very, very welcoming. He offered me to sleep in his house during my stay in Tokyo and also take me to DEEP on friday. I was super excited to hear that DEEP is on friday. When I planned my trip six months ago, I was trying to find some dates for the big MMA shows in asia, but it was too difficult. Here I arrive first night and find out I am just in time for one, it is going to be awesome!

Everyone seem very glad that I am here. Abe-san welcomed me in the gym and told me, he was happy to see that I came even though it was a hard time here.

Going to Japan was obviously the only right thing to do. I can’t wait to see what experiences this place will bring me.

Time to sleep!

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. Matt

    So cool man!
    So glad you went to Tokyo.
    AACC is awesome.

    Where will you go? You must go to Paraestra Tokyo in Ekoda, to do “lunchtime jiu jitsu”. Some very serious people on the mat there. Open mat.


    Apr 20, 2011 @ 23:12

  2. Eric

    Awesome dude welcome to Japan the land of contradictions

    Apr 21, 2011 @ 14:26

