The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

San Jose afternoon walk

Photographing cities always posses quite a challenge in finding the interesting details between a constant bombardment of impressions. There is no beautiful landscape presenting itself with a panoramic sky and lots of interesting colors and details, ready to be captured in the first attempt – a city demands ones concentration and patience. It usually also involves a good amount of footwork to find the right shots, why I normally like to do city photography on a bicycle. Today, I had to do with my sandals.

I have been feeling slightly overtrained today, so I decided to skip afternoon training and just relax instead. I went for a walk around town this afternoon and caught a few shots.

Tonight is a no-gi class and directly after that, I jump in the car with some of the guys from the gym and drive to the beach for the weekend, where we will train on the beach and go surfing.

Location:Avenida 4,San Pedro,Costa Rica

One Response Subscribe to comments

  1. Jacob

    Thanks for sharing this one.

    May 30, 2011 @ 13:28

