Thanks, Taastrup Judo Club!
A judo gym back in Denmark decided to do something to help out the kids I visited in Moldova and gathered two big boxes of gi’s to ship down there.
If you haven’t yet read the story of my visit to teach BJJ in a small village in the snowy Moldovan countryside, you can read it here. We have already had some gi’s shipped down there from a guy in the US and I did a fundraiser seminar in New York, that collected enough money to get some seminars and tournaments set up in the village.
If YOU want to help some fellow BJJ practitioners out, let me know. There are many people around the world, who loves this sport just as much as we do, but don’t have the financial possibilities to even buy a gi or a belt. Should you have anything lying around that you don’t use, please email me and I’ll let you know how you can help out. It is a very small effort, that can make a very big difference in someone else’s life.
We are all one!

well done, Taastrup Judo Club.
Jun 17, 2011 @ 23:42
Robert McMasters
Thanks guys, we just got your gis yesterday! Now we have to find a way to get about a million huge judo gis into Moldova… :).
Jun 18, 2011 @ 10:19