Surfshop closed today :,(
So after I finally found a place to rent surfboards, the weather or my health have kept me from going there. Today, the stars seemed aligned, so me and Hywel walked to the beach to rent the boards and get in the water. Unfortunately, the shop was closed today, so we could only sit on the beach and watch the locals ride one beautiful wave after the other.
Really sad that I didn’t get to go out today. It might have been my last chance to surf in a long time :-/

Tree Frog
One of the posts I remember well was you laying out what you’d be taking on the trip and I’m wondering if that’s changed beyond you sending some cold weather clothes back home.
Has the amount of stuff you’ve been carrying around increased? Do you have more t-shirts and hats from all over? Sent some stuff home? Left some things behind at this place or that place?
Jul 04, 2011 @ 02:13
That’s a good question, I think I’ll actually write a blog post about it :) thanks
Jul 04, 2011 @ 16:40