Estonia is awesome, Lufthansa not so much.
I love traveling the world and experiencing different places and cultures, but there is always something special about home. It is probably impressions that reminds one of childhood or something.
Now, I know Estonia is not home to me, but it is similar enough to Denmrk to make me feel home. The smell of grass, the trees and the long summer nights, oh how have I missed it. The weather here is beautiful and it has been so nice to see some of my old friends again. All the guys from Estonia, about ten of my friends from my gym back home and Daniel who I met in Taiwan is here. We are having a great time in this beautiful place. It is now ten in the evening and the sun is still up. God, I love it.
What is not here is my backpack. Lufthansa has thrown it away and they have no idea where it is. I really hope they find it, I don’t want to lose my gi’s and tshirts from around the world :,( Good thing is that insurance company pays me every day, so I went shopping for lots of pimp clothes today :-P Looking super fly!