I arrived home yesterday and needed to sit down for a while and relax before I could get back to the blogging.
I magically got my backpack in Tallinn airport. It had arrived from Finland the night before, taking a good 6 days to get from Germany to Estonia. It was really nice to get it back, and I was happy it wasn’t in the middle of the trip I had lost it. If I had to lose it, this was the perfect time to do it :) The flight was short and easy and my dad and brother was kind to pick me up in the airport and drive me home.
I don’t really know how I feel about being home. I am trying to find out how I feel, but nothing really comes up, it is kind of weird. In some way, my brain just thinks of this as another location on the trip. Maybe in a week or so, when I realize that I am not going anywhere from now on haha
I have been back to work today. Many people think that running a gym full time is nothing but training, but there is actually tons of stuff to do. I have spend my whole day cleaning up, fixing a computer, moving stuff and answering emails. Back to real life :) I will train here again tomorrow and can’t wait. Having traveled to more than 55 gyms on this trip, my own is still by far my favorite. Maybe because I designed it from my own thoughts of the perfect place to train :D
I need a little time to digest this crazy experience in my mind and will write an afterword later. It has been quite a ride and I can’t really believe that it is over.

Please keep us updated on the status of your book. I would really like to get a copy of it once it’s published!
Jul 12, 2011 @ 19:52
I agree with Marko !
Glad to know you’re home safe and sound ! I hope to see you soon, in copenhagen or elsewhere !
Jul 12, 2011 @ 23:22
Glad to know you’re back home safe, cool that you got your backpack ;)
You have no idea what big impact you made by doing this amazing bjj around the world social project… inspired so many people..
Keep up the great work!
Chisinau, Moldova
Jul 12, 2011 @ 23:35
I’m so happy for you that you got your backpack back. It’s been a fun 4-5 months following your trip, can’t wait for the book :-)
Knut Wake, Bergen
Jul 13, 2011 @ 09:23
Eren Anlar
Christian, I am glad to hear you are back sound and safe. Hope to see you soon !!!
The Food King:)
Jul 13, 2011 @ 14:25