The story of my trip around the world to train, teach and compete in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and other grappling arts.

Where to go, where to go…?

This project is still very much in the planning stage, but I am thinking a lot about where to go and what route to follow around the world. Currently I am thinking of leaving sometime around spring 2011. I am going to a big tournament with my kids team in Paris in February and was thinking of starting my journey from there. My time frame is something around 6 months, going all the way around the globe and preferably ending in Brasil with some good training and competition there.

Check out my fantasy-itinerary here

I will very much be relying on people inviting me to wherever they train, so hopefully some of you out there can give me some good recommendations. I am looking to train, teach and compete wherever in the world I can. I have no limitations for this trip really, other than I am traveling on a budget, so I need to find cheap places to stay, like hostels, couches or similar. I am not picky and can sleep almost anywhere, so if you live near by a good place to train and have room for me for a while, please let me know!

If you train somewhere and would like me to come by and teach a bit, I will do that gladly as well. I am not asking for money, but some help with transportation, accommodation and food would be appreciated.

Are you planning on competing in an upcoming tournament? Then I might be interested in going too! :) Let me know where and when it is, and I will see if I can make it there. I am interested in competing in BJJ, submission wrestling, wrestling, Judo etc. – just looking for experience.

Hope to hear from someone out there :)

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    Aug 17, 2010 @ 11:29

